ANGEL INVESTOR SIGNUP ANGEL INVESTOR "*" indicates required fields First Name* Last Name* Phone Number*Company Name* Country*MalaysiaSingaporeIndonesiaPhillipinesThailandVietnamMyanmarCambodiaLaosBrunei DarrulsalemEast TimorOthersEmail* Email Verification OTP Code* Investment Amount Per Annum*RM200,000-RM350,000RM350,000-RM500,000RM500,000 and aboveWould you like a Managed Investing Service? I am interested in a managed investing service Linkedin Profile or Brief Background About Yourself*Our Angel Investors are typically high net worth individuals or family offices / corporates. We use this information to do a basic background check before accepting new Angel Investors. High Net Worth Individual* I agree that fall under the definition of a High Net Worth Individual.